Being a city in per­pet­u­al motion, Berlin has attract­ed a pletho­ra of cre­ative minds from count­less back­grounds who make it what it is today. The result is a myr­i­ad of one-of-a-kind loca­tions pro­vid­ing spec­tac­u­lar scenic back­drops, from pri­vate homes to pub­lic spaces, stun­ning inte­ri­ors and mon­u­men­tal exte­ri­ors spread across the city. You just need to know where to look.

Our clients gain access to our exten­sive library of over 3,500 loca­tions in and around Berlin. We also active­ly seek out loca­tions from scratch, han­dle book­ing, per­mits and the likes. If you’re look­ing to shoot in oth­er parts of Ger­many, Europe or beyond, we’ll tap into our far-reach­ing net­work of loca­tion scouts to pin­point the ide­al spot for your pro­duc­tion.

The ser­vices we offer include:

bud­get­ing &
bud­get man­age­ment

loca­tion scout­ing &

cast­ing &
tal­ent book­ing

art buy­ing &
crew book­ing

set design &

vehi­cle &
equip­ment rental

trav­el coor­di­na­tion &

on-site pro­duc­tion

trans­par­ent final invoic­ing